With GreenTin+ we have more than just to celebrate the birth of a new product. As the first smelter, we have developed a sustainable and extremely high-quality tin, which is obtained entirely from recycling materials and achieves purity levels of up to 99.99%.
This ecologically obtained material of the highest quality can be obtained as a pure substance in the form of bars, rods, wires and anodes. Alternatively, it is also available as the main alloy component in all relevant lead-free electronic solders.
We deliberately rely on "Made in Halsbrücke" - in contrast to the often deteriorating mining conditions for ores, we want to offer an environmentally friendly and sustainable alternative from the heart of Europe, in line with our motto: "acta non verba".
GreenTin+ therefore stands for the highest material purity and diverse application perspectives in combination with active environmental and resource protection. We rely on a transparent raw material basis and thus ensure a certified and ecologically responsible tin supply for our customers - also with regard to the supply chain law.
You can find further information on our landing page: www.greentin.de