Versatile starting material
Produced from standardised alloys and high-purity raw materialsDifferent processing forms
Manual, mechanical and automated processingAdjustable characteristics
Physical and chemical characteristics can be customised based on the materialWide range of possible sizes
0.3 to 22.0 mm diameter
Product configurator
What will it be? The configurator will take you to your desired product quickly and easily.

A classic with potential for the future
Wire is a real all-round starting material, and can therefore be found in almost all industry and trade sectors such as electronics (EMS), electrical engineering, radiator and container construction, the automotive sector, both in industrial applications and the arts and crafts sector, in sanitary installations and in the manufacturing of valves, pressure gauges and equipment. In general, demanding quality checks as well as application and feasibility studies must be passed both for standard wire production and in the implementation of newly developed alloy materials. We keep pace with these constantly growing technical demands and developments and support and advise our customers with the utmost care and long-standing practical experience.
Wires are generally processed either manually or mechanically. Manual processing includes methods such as iron soldering or flame brazing, whereas mechanical processing involves the use of our soft solders in selective and/or laser or robotic soldering systems. All of our solder wires and cored solder wires are produced in diameters from 0.3 to 22.0 mm in accordance with the material properties requested by you, such as the chemical composition, the wetting behaviour and the alloy’s seeping behaviour. The right formats and wire variants will essentially depend on the physical, chemical and application-related parameters.
Choosing the right wire
There are many parameters that define whether a solder wire or a cored solder wire, i.e. a wire filled with flux, can be used. We mainly recommend the use of cored solder wires in the electronics (EMS) sector and/or in the electrical engineering sector. Our cored solder wires guarantee that processing is as simple as it is safe, and there is often no need for any prior preparation of the solder joints. Product parameters such as the flux type/activation intensity, fill levels and flux cores can be easily adapted to modified requirements after prior consultation.
If you work with particularly highly activating flux, frequently varying flux dosages or specialised temperature profiles, solder wire is usually the better option. Solder wires also offer even more potential soft-solder alloys compared with cored solder wire.
We will work in close collaboration with you to analyse your particular needs, provide advice and produce wire variants that are tailor-made for your application in perfect alignment with your requirements.