The traditional Saxon company produces high-quality tin and lead alloys from process residues and secondary materials and is located in the basic industry. The high-purity alloys, which are classified as indispensable, are further processed in the company itself into semi-finished products such as wires, ingot solders or industrial ingots. As the only tin and lead smelter in Germany with this vertical range of manufacture, the company is now classified as systemically relevant.
The classification of systemic importance means that a company is under special protection. Based on the classification, a company is assigned a highly significant economic role in supplying the population. "Our products are needed in numerous industries that manufacture components or products for the basic food supply, basic medical equipment and other industries of strategic importance. Our team is proud of the fact that we are helping to maintain the basic material supply in these difficult times and thus supporting strategically important industries in Germany and Europe," explains Tobias Patzig, authorized signatory of Feinhütte Halsbrücke GmbH. For this reason, the classification as a system-relevant company is welcomed.
In addition, the company donates parts of its stock of FFP2 masks and full body protective suits to medical institutions.