Goodbye patent protection for SN100C – and hello opportunities! High prices in Germany and Europe have finally come to an end following the expiration of the patent protection. The soft-solder alloys developed by Nihon Superior and Fuji Electric Ltd. have been a solid and technically excellent solution for the EMS sector for a long time now: But aside from fulfilling the main purpose of an electronic solder, the alloys could be significantly improved with regard to oxidation and copper leaching.

Nevertheless, the prices for the alloys reached a very high level as a result of the strict patent protection and the limitation on sales due to a few licensees. Furthermore, modifications and developments that have since been recognised as necessary have fallen by the wayside.

But now we can offer these popular alloys too. And of course, they will continue to be produced in line with the strict NIHON Superior specifications in accordance with patents DE 69918758 and EP 0985486 and with DIN EN ISO 9453, alloy no. 403. At the same time, we are now able to modify these sound and technically excellent soft solders in accordance with specific requirements – and to keep on improving them for new applications and changing requirements.