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Feinhütte Halsbrücke is also taking a big step forward on a digital level, with the launch of its new website. Its smart, user-friendly design serves to strengthen the Feinhütte brand on a long-term basis. It also follows current practices and meets users’ expectations, even in the demanding B2B environment. At the same time, it is more focused than ever before on the two core areas of sales and purchasing/acquisition.

The integrated product configurator constitutes the next logical step on the path to Industry 4.0 for Feinhütte: This handy tool can be used to design customer-specific solutions and request these solutions in production. Technicians and buyers therefore get quicker and more direct access to all of Feinhütte’s experience and expertise. The whole process is as transparent as it is simple, and also helps to speed up the offer-preparation process.

The website is also designed to be an additional resource with regard to the important topics ofDisposal, Recycling and Compliance. As Germany’s most multi-faceted tin and lead smelting plant, we guarantee processing on site – a clear advantage and one that we will now be communicating to existing and potential customers even more pro-actively. It’s also worth taking a look “behind the scenes” of the new website: Modern technologies ensure quick loading times and error-free functioning on mobile devices and tablets.

We’re excited to see how you like our new website, and look forward to your comments and suggestions!